Poles in the USA: Between Two Worlds – Documentary Film

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The Details

Somewhere in the middle of 2017 an idea was born to create a larger project. To make a documentary film about Polish immigrants in USA that would answer two basic questions: why are we Poles here? What do we do in USA? When we started working on this film we had a vague idea of where it *could* take us but we couldn't predict what was going to happen. In the process we met some incredible people, made a lot of new friends and uncovered stories that just had to be told. In a way those storied made working on the film easier because they were already powerful. On the other hand they took it to the next level because now we were facing a task of telling them in a compelling manner that would carry the emotional value without revealing too much too early. The early reviewers think we have completely succeeded but... you be the judge. Head over to our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/wearegoingsomewhere) for the full movie after watching the trailer posted here.

